
postural control

Vibrotherapy can be used successfully in the rehabilitation of elderly people to counteract sarcopenia and restore muscle strength, as well as by athletes during the recovery period. When applied regularly, it improves a person’s motor properties. In most scientific papers, researchers have used vibration at frequencies of 30 to 50 Hz, lasting less than 20 […]

Whole-body vibration (WBV) training, as a passive method of musculo-circulatory activation, seems to be a good alternative to conventional physical training for elderly with balance disorders and a high risk of falls. What interested the German researchers, the authors of the presented report, was the comparison of the effects of vibrations with different physical parameters. […]

In this study, Belgian scientists reviewed studies examining the effect of various therapies on the macroscopic morphology of the muscles and tendons of the lower limbs in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP). They analyzed the effects of, among others, whole-body vibration (WBV), which is often used to reduce muscle tension (spasticity), improve posture control, […]

Local vibrations (LV) and whole-body vibration (WBV) are used in neurorehabilitation to regulate muscle tension, increase neuromuscular efficiency and improve balance and mobility. However, little is known about the direct influence of vibration interventions on postural control in patients with ataxia (lack of smooth and precise movement resulting from disturbed nervous coordination of muscle function). […]

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