Introduction The phenomenon of the drug cascade, otherwise known as the prescribing cascade, occurs when a doctor prescribes drugs to a patient for newly developed disease symptoms, that are, in effect, side effects of the previous drug. As a result of such an action, the patient is unnecessarily given additional drugs, which are also not […]
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The effectiveness of chest vibration with simultaneous aerobic training in COPD The aim of the Italian researchers was to investigate the effect of a 4-week standard pulmonary rehabilitation on dyspnea and physical functionality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), compared to the effects of the same treatment but combined with the administration of […]

Plastic surgery procedures are often accompanied by severe pain and pharmacological methods of reducing pain are often ineffective. However, there are reports that therapeutic vibration can be a safe and easy-to-use method of reducing pain. Therefore, scientists from the Michigan State University (USA) investigated the effectiveness of vibration in reducing pain in clinical plastic surgery. […]

The presented research focuses on the case of chronic idiopathic superior laryngeal nerve paresis (SLNp) treated with an innovative method of voice therapy – Novafon Local Vibration Voice Therapy (NLVVT). It was assumed that local vibrations of the cricothyroid muscle and its nerve endings during vocal exercises would improve the voice functioning in SLNp. NLVVT […]

The goal of Brazilian researchers at the Federal University of Paraíba was to compare the acute effect of isometric abdominal exercise performed with or without vibration on electromyographic (EMG) activity and skin temperature around the abdomen in physically active people. The vibrations given during isometric abdominal exercises proved to be safe and did not affect […]

Vibration therapy as an intervention for enhancing trochanteric hip fracture healing in elderly patients: a randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Prepared on the basis of: Vibration therapy as an intervention for enhancing trochanteric hip fracture healing in elderly patients: a randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Wong R.M.Y., Chow S.K.H., Tang N. et al. Trials. 2021 […]

The goal of American researchers was to evaluate the feasibility of a glove providing mechanical vibrotactile stimulation (VTS) of the hand, as well as the rehabilitation potential of the VTS glove in restoring hand function in people with chronic stroke. VTS glove improved skin tactile perception, decreased finger spasticity, as well as increased the range […]

The aim of the presented research by scientists from American universities was to test the concept of a vibrating wristband, a portable hand orthosis designed to improve the efficiency of a hand affected by functional impairment after a stroke. The authors referred to it as “TheraBracelet” (possibly short for “therapeutic bracelet”). They focused on demonstrating […]

The aim of the present work of Japanese scientists from the University of Kagoshima was to investigate the therapeutic vibration potential to inhibit upper limb spasticity in hemiplegic stroke patients. 5-minute vibration (91 Hz, 1 mm) improved the parameters of the F wave and MAS results, showing a significant reduction in spasticity immediately after its […]

The studies conducted so far show that whole-body vibration increas skin blood flow (SBF). However, there are no studies comparing the effectiveness of different vibration parameters. Therefore, American scientists from Loma Linda University decided to test the effect of vibrations of different frequencies on SBF. Both the 30 Hz and 50 Hz vibrations applied to […]